
When Is Your Back Pain Cause for Concern?

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When Is Your Back Pain Cause for Concern?

Back pain is a worldwide leading cause of disability. In the United States alone, about 65 million adults have had a recent bout with back pain, and 16 million live with chronic back pain. 

However, just because back pain is widespread doesn’t mean it’s no big deal.While minor aches are a normal and inevitable byproduct of an active life, some types of back pain indicate more serious issues and require expert care. The question is: How can you tell when your back pain is a cause for concern?

We’re glad you asked. Dr. Katherine Hipp specializes in diagnosing and treating back pain and can assess your symptoms to determine the underlying cause. We offer comprehensive treatment options for all types of back pain at Dr. Hipp’s Chiropractic, including Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CPB), a multi-disciplinary, researched-based approach to pain management that draws from the fields of biology, geometry, physiology, physics, and anatomy to zero in on the root cause of your back pain and restore function. 

Signs your back pain needs treatment

Many times, back pain simply indicates you’ve twisted it wrong, lifted something heavy, or sat too long in one position. Minor aches like those usually subside in a few days with rest, ice, and an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory. 

However, some back pain stems from deeper issues that call for Dr. Hipp’s expert skills. Here are the signs your back pain needs treatment.

Sharp, sudden pain

Dull aches in your back generally indicate a temporary problem, but sharp pain that comes on suddenly could point to a ruptured ligament or muscle. It could also indicate an internal problem with your kidneys, bladder, or bowels.

Radiating pain

Pain that radiates from your back to your limbs typically means you have a compressed nerve somewhere in your back. Sciatica is a common example of this. When you have a structural problem in your lower spine that presses on your sciatic nerve, you can feel the effects anywhere along the nerve’s path, which travels through your buttocks and down to your feet.

Weak legs

Pain that radiates to your legs isn’t the only symptom to watch for — leg weakness can also indicate a compressed sciatic nerve. One of the most common culprits of leg pain and weakness is spinal stenosis, narrowing of the spinal canal. But weak legs can also indicate a stroke, so don’t wait to seek help.

Incontinence and organ problems

Pain in your back could signify a problem with your organs. For example, a compressed or damaged nerve in your spine can disrupt the signals to your bladder and bowels, leading to urinary or fecal incontinence.

Back pain and incontinence that occur simultaneously may indicate a rare condition called cauda equina syndrome (CES), where the bundle of cauda equina nerves in your lower back becomes compressed or damaged. Several situations can cause CES, including spinal tumors or lesions, lumbar spinal stenosis, infections, and acute injuries, to name a few. 

Kidney stones can also cause sudden, stabbing back pain.

Groin or glute numbness

If you lose sensation in your genitals and can’t feel normal sensation when you wipe after using the toilet, you may have saddle anesthesia. The name comes from the fact that you feel numbness in the body parts that would touch a saddle. This loss of feeling typically indicates CES and usually stems from a herniated disc or spinal tumor. 

Treating back pain

Dr. Hipp takes a holistic approach to treating back pain and incorporates techniques from various medical fields to resolve the root cause and relieve your pain. Here are some of the many treatments she offers:

  • Chiropractic care
  • Traction
  • Massage therapy
  • K-laser treatments
  • Physical therapy

Dr. Hipp also involves you in your recovery, educating you about the nature of your condition and equipping you with the tools and skills to continue your rehabilitation at home.  

If you’ve become part of the staggering back pain statistics, book an appointment online or call Dr. Hipp’s Chiropractic in San Francisco, California, and get to the root cause so you can get on with your life.